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Ogun Montgomery Edit
Character Info
Kanji オグン
Romaji Ogun
Alias Black Star, King of the Park[1]
Gender Male   Male
Status Active
Voice Actor(s) Makoto Furukawa (Japanese)
Zeno Robinson (English)
Technical Info
Birth Date March 3rd (Pisces)
Age 17
Height 175 cm (5' 9")
Weight 69 kg (152 lbs)
Blood Type B
Professional Status
Affiliation Special Fire Force Company 4
Rank Second Class Fire Soldier
Manga Special Fire Force Company 4 (Chapter)
Anime The Rookie Fire Soldier Games

Ogun Montgomery (オグン・モンゴメリ, Ogun Montgomery) is a former Third Generation and member of Special Fire Force Company 4.


Ogun has dark skin, black hair with shaved sides, and dreadlocks on the top. He has orange eyes with light swirls as the iris, and dons the Special Fire Force orange jumpsuit with the sleeves rolled up. He wears black wristbands with light swirls on each wrist. Ogun wears the Special Fire Force's standard bunker gear when on a mission but rolls up his sleeves, exposing his forearms.


Ogun is commited to protecting everyone living in Tokyo. This is due to his family's history and being defended from the hero who brought these immigrants to the empire to save from from the Great Cataclysm. This legacy means Ogun views the contained safety of the people is his responsibility. Even when confronted by doubts Ogun believes people will be happy if they keep living. This sense of compassion made him an ideal recuit for Company 8 but his nature as a team player led Ogun to naturally fit in with Company 4. Ogun is shown to be a peacemaker, breaking up a confrontation between Shinra Kusakabe and Karin, showing his maturity. He is a good friend of both Shinra and Arthur Boyle, knowing each of them from their academy days.[2] Ogun sides with Shinra even when with Company 8 under intense scrutiny and no knowledge of what really happened to the Devil's family. He often observed and moderated their various fights over the years, despite finding the contest between knights and heroes ridiculous because they were all training to be firefighters. Ogun views Shinra and Arthur's rivalry positively, seeing it as a friendship in spite of their denial. This empathetic and understanding nature extends to his enemies as well. Ogun will respect someone for fighting for their loved ones even if he has to fight against them.


Ogun was inspired to become a Fire Soldier by stories of his ancestor, The Immigrant Hero, a ship captain who carried people to the Tokyo Empire during the cataclysm. He attended the Special Fire Force Training Academy, where he made friends with Shinra and Arthur despite having to moderate their various fights. Obi and Hinawa of Fire Force Company 8 tried to recruit Ogun into their unit but he ended up joining Company 4.


Ogun's Flamy Ink

Ogun uses his Flamy Ink

Ogun is a Third Generation pyrokinetic, giving him the power to create and utilize his own flames. His strength earned him recognition as the Star Rookie of Company 4. His ability allows him to create multiple spear and sword-like weapons out of his flames, which he can launch at his opponents from a distance that possess great offensive and long ranged power.[3] He uses these flames to act as boosters for a hover-board. Using his abilites in this way allows Ogun it quickly move across all manners of terrain and fly through the air. Making him a highly mobile fighter.

In addition to his pyrokinetic skill, Ogun is also a considerably skilled hand-to-hand fighter, capable of beating down enemies with quick and brutal strikes and matching the likes of Charon in combat. Even managing to time his attacks well enough to get around Charon's Second Generation Counter ability. He is also quite durable, withstanding a stream of brutal blows and large explosions to his body while still remaining conscious. His strength and mobility have given him the reputation of 'The 4th's Star Rookie'. Furthermore, Ogun is remarkably intelligent, earning the highest marks among all the other Fire Soldier trainees during his attendance at the Special Fire Force Training Academy.[4] As a team player and committed officer, Ogun has an indomitable will in the face of danger. Placing his own safety second to the world's or his comrade's. This is showcased by his repeated battles against overwhelmingly powerful opponents to ensure his allies could conserve strength or prepare their strategy.

Flamy Ink[]

Another application of Ogun's Ignition Ability is the technique Flamy Ink, in which he "tattoos" flames onto his body to temporally increase his strength. It is rumoured that his strength rivals Leonard Burns' in this state. However this ability results in Ogun overheating very quickly. This results in him using Flamy Ink sparingly, often disengaging it after a major attack, unless he absolutely has too.

  • Enhanced Strength: Using Flamy Ink gives Ogun incredible physical strength believed to equal Voltage Nova and Leonard Burns' physical parameters. Allowing him to break apart solid rock and send Tempe flying several meters in the sky. While it was not enough to seriously hurt it, this boost allows him to catch a Demon Infernal by surprise and dominate the fight until backup arrived.
  • Enhanced Speed: Ogun's already impressive speed is amplified further. He was capable of moving faster than Tempe could react, leaping up into the air to hammer the demon back down to the ground. He could even catch Charon off guard with his speed and use his tattoos for heavy blows.
  • Enhanced Durability/Stamina: When Ogun's incredible durability reaches its limit he is able to use Flamy Ink to support his failing body. This allowed him to stand even after a series of crushing blows and explosions from Charon's superior abilities and combat expertise. Ogun possesses a very high tolerance to fire, overheating and general pain. Managing to stay conscious after being wounded and overwhelmed.


VS. Special Fire Force Company 4 arc[]

While a seemingly possessed Shinra rampaged in the Special Fire Force Company 4's headquarters, Ogun appears alongside his academy friend Arthur. Using his fire spears to put a hold on Shinra's attacks, Ogun focuses on finding a way of returning Shinra to normal. When Shinra lashes out and heavily kicks Ogun in the stomach, Ogun endues the attack with the aid of Pan Ko Paat. Upon hearing the nature of Arthur's past, Ogun almost blurts out the truth but is interrupted by Pan.

Despite the battle between Shinra and Arthur becoming more intense, Ogun becomes more relaxed as the fight resembles their school days where neither Shinra or Arthur could actually win or seriously hurt each other. Despite both Shinra and Arthur promising to kill the other and the worries of the other onlookers: Ogun's faith in the two is rewarded when Shinra chooses to kick himself in the face and break free from the spirit controlling him.

Chinese Peninsula arc[]

Ogun Defeat Worm

Ogun defeating a giant worm.

While his superiors discuss the outcome of Company 8's latest clash with the White Hoods, Ogun training with of other members of Company 4. He later joins the Adolla Burst research expedition as the Squad Leader under Pan's command. Ogun expresses excitement at the idea of travelling to the Chinese Peninsula, including setting foot on Chinese soil for the first time. Upon arriving, he taste the soil, which wasn't to his liking. Travelling to the Tear in Space, everyone except Victor Licht is intoxicated by the land's gas. They are soon attacked by a giant work, during which a talking mole called Schop takes refuge on their truck. Pan has Ogun and Shinra act on the crisis, leading to him using his Yoruba Lance to power his board. Mobile, Ogun defeats the worms using Yoruba Blacksmith. Afterwards, Ogun interrogates Schop as to what he is, leading to him telling him about his home Oasis and the pirates that made others like himself flee the area.

The next day, the group arrives at the Oasis, and discover the pirates Schop spoke of are discovered to be sentient Infernals, leading to Ogun attack them as he tells Shinra to get Victor to safety. After they retreat, Schop informs the group that the Infernals are probably trying to make the Tabernacle explode, and informs them that their leader is a horned Infernal, leading Ogun becoming nervous. As Pan and Victor investigate the Shintai with Arthur, the remainder of the group is confronted by the sentient Infernals with their leader Tempe. As the leader attacks the group and tells them he wants to explode the Shintai in order to kill himself, Schop tells him to die alone, leading to Ogun informing Schop that he can't as it takes a tremendous amount of firepower to destroy a Demon Infernal. Defending Shinra when he is attacked, Ogun kills the Infernal he was facing, leading to only Tempeh remaining alive.

Ogun Vs Tempeh

Ogun fighting Tempe.

Unable to defeat Tempeh, Shinra asks Ogun to buy him some time so he can get Divine Protection from the Woman in Black he was connected to. Denying Tamaki Kotatsu's assistance, Ogun gets fired up and activates Flamy Ink. Overpowering the Demon Infernal, he notes he can't keep it up as his body is beginning to burn up. Buying Shinra enough time, he defeats the Infernal in one second. Questioning where Tempeh is and he looks above, he realizes Shinra the power of the Adolla Burst. After learning that Amaterasu is powered by humans, Ogun notes the news will shake up the Tokyo empire, leading to Pan saying they need to be discreet. Departing the Oasis, the group is intoxicated by the gas again, leading to Ogun noting it was fun as they return to Tokyo.

Stigma arc[]

Captain Hague is found murdered in his office by an unknown assailant. His death is reported as a suicide, despite going against his beliefs and the state of his body making that impossible. Ogun attends the funeral for his superior officer along with the rest of his company.

Ōbi's Rescue arc[]

Upon news being reported that Company was wanted by the Tokyo Army after Akitaru Ōbi was arrested for his apparent failed kidnapping of Shinra, Ogun notes something weird is going on. Later on the aftermath of the Fuchū Prison battle, the newly appointed Captain Pan is approached by Ogun who asks what they are going to do about the situation. With Captain Leonard Burns was supposedly killed by Shinra for attempting to capture wanted criminal Akitaru Obi, Pan tells his rookie that there is clearly something wrong with their country. It becomes Company 4's private goal to prevent anyone else from being killed, something that means they must find a way to support Company 8 despite their new criminal reputation.

Stone Pillar Arc[]

Ogun appears at the sight of the first stone pillar alongside Karin and Pan to protect civilians while Company 2 and Haijima fight the giant Infernal. As the powerhouse rookie of the group, Ogun files to combat the Infernal, combining his Flamy Ink with Pan and Karin's defensive boosts to completely destroy the monster's arm. Ogun has to avoid chunks of the Infernal when Kurono's ashes start attacking the Infernal from the inside out, causing him to spot Shinra being carried into the sky. Before he can act, a mysterious white-haired boy appears in the air before Ogun to save Shinra. When this boy repels the enemy trying to abduct Shinra and brings the unconscious fire soldier back to the harbour; he disappears as soon as Ogun calls out to him.

Final Pillar arc[]

Three months later, Ogun arrives on the scene to witness the rising of the eighth Stone Pillar and the final Titan Infernal. He and Company 4 focus on protecting civilians were Haijima Industries and Company 2 combat whatever Titan is going to emerge. When a mass Infernal breakout happens, Karin creates a riot barrier to hold them back while Father Reese prepares the last rites so Ogun can exorcise them. He and the others witness Captain Honda failing to damage the bizarre sun wheel rising from the sea.

As the sun sets, Raffles I appears before them and his presence causes the night sky and stars to shift as Tokyo Empire citizens react on mass to their saviour appearing once more increases Adolla’s influence over reality. With Raffles raining fire upon the nation, Ogun and Company 4 aid the newly arrived and controversial Company 8 while Shinra defeats the impersonation of the first emperor. While Ogun cheers his friend’s victory, the nation screams in horror as their Messiah dies.

Battle of Amaterasu arc[]

Confused by the nationwide blackout, Ogun's confusion is compounded when Arthur tells him to follow Company 8 to the Amaterasu generator. Ignoring the Infernals across the city the group head to Amaterasu to ready themselves for siege warfare. When Ritsu’s hoard of Infernals demand attention from Hinawa, Maki, Tamaki and Arrow; Charon’s attempt to attack Arrow is interrupted by Ogun leaping in to fight the counter master in single combat. Dodging explosions are working his way into Charon’s blindspots still leaves Ogun stunned by his enemy’s explosive strength, he shouts over to Arthur that they will win this battle so they can save Shinra and tells Charon that he will never abandon the people of his country.  Ogun respects Charon for the love he shows his charge but plans to stop him. Their fight is even with Charon being countered at every turn, until Ogun tries to trick him into absorbing a punch boosted by Flamey Ink which Charon counters through normal martial arts and then hits with a devastating explosion.

Ogun rises before Arthur can move to protect him, claiming he can handle this and the knight needs to get ready for Dragon's appearance. Ogun continues attacking while struggling to understand Charon's limits, as he is beat down again he remembers that the Fire Force work as a team and need to have faith in each other. This motivates him to fight until he is only able to stand by using Flamey Ink. Charon readies a finishing blow but Ogun’s faith is rewarded as Hinawa blasts Charon with a shotgun at the exact moment he was expelling energy, leaving him vulnerable to its full damage and forcing him to let Ogun go. These wounds cripple Charon but the damage taken in the process leave Ogun too hurt to continue fighting.

Great Cataclysm arc[]


Ff-Pan and Ogun Profile

Ogun and Pan profiles.

Academy Ogun, Arthur, and Shinra

Young Ogun, Arthur, and Shinra's profile.

  • There are several characters in Fire Force whose names are allusions to or directly taken from both monotheistic and pantheistic religions and notable religious figures.
    • In Yoruba religion, Ogun is an orisha, a spirit, that is tied to metal work, blacksmiths, and tool makers. He is also venerated in Haitian Vodou, West African Vodun, Santeria, and Candomblé, among many other religions.
    • Ogun's connection to Yoruba culture is further implied as several of his attacks are named after the Yoruba as well as his flaming tattoos that resemble tribal tattooing.
  • Ogun bears a striking resemblance to Kilik Rung, a character from Soul Eater. It is unconfirmed if Ogun is a distant ancestor to him.
  • His surname might be a reference to the British Field Marshal, Bernard Montgomery.
  • According to his Character Profile:
    • Self-Proclaimed: Burger King
    • Favorite Foods: Hamburgers
    • Least Favorite Food: Anything that doesn't fill me up.
    • Favorite Music: Reggae, hip hop
    • Favorite Animal: I don't really know the animals in the Empire that well...
    • Favorite Color: Orange
    • Favorite Type: I really liked Ally-chan back in grade school. That was pure love.
    • Who He Respects: Captain Hague, Lieutenant Pan. And a really long time ago, I heard there was, like, a star in a gang? That's awesome.
    • Who He Hates: No one in particular. But Shinra and Arthur gave me a lot of headaches.
    • Who He's Afraid Of: Just between us, Captain Hague scared me in his later years.
    • Hobbies: Basketball and sports involving boards, like skateboarding. I want to try snowboarding!
    • Daily Routine: Playing sports in the park. It's hard, because nobody will play with me unless I give them easier rules.
    • Dream: I heard they used to have big global sporting events. I'd like to see one of those.
    • Shoe Size: 26.5 cm [8.5]
    • Eyesight: 1.5 [20/12.5]
    • Favorite Subject: History, Math
    • Least Favorite Subject: Language Arts
      • According to his Academy Character Profile:
        • Height: 161cm [5'3"]
        • Weight: 54kg [119lbs.]
        • Age: 14
        • Favorite Animal: Hawk
        • Favorite Type of Girl: Like, the girl I like is my type
        • Who He Respects: Guys who used to earn money playing sports when that was a thing
        • Who He Hates: I don't hate anybody
        • Who He's Afraid Of: That guy who complains when all we're doing is playing in the park
        • Hobbies: Basketball and sports involving boards, like skateboarding
        • Daily Routine: Playing sports in the park
        • Dream: I want to be in one of those big sporting events, like the "Olym-pics" they used to have
        • Shoe Size: 25cm [7]


  1. Volume 20, Ogun's Character Profile
  2. Fire Force Manga: Chapter 93
  3. Fire Force Manga: Chapter 113, Page 19
  4. Fire Force Manga: Chapter 2, Page 23

Site Navigation[]

v  e
Special Fire Force
Special Fire Force Company 1 Leonard BurnsRekka HoshimiyaKarim FlamHuo Yan LiOnyango
Special Fire Force Company 2 Gustav HondaTaguchiTakeru NotoHajiki
Special Fire Force Company 3 GiovanniFlailMirage
Special Fire Force Company 4 Sōichirō HaguePan Ko PaatOgun MontgomeryKarinReese
Special Fire Force Company 5 HibanaTokuyama5th Angels ThreeTōru KishiriSetsuo MiyamotoConehead
Special Fire Force Company 6 Kayoko HuangAsako Arg
Special Fire Force Company 7 Benimaru ShinmonHikageHinataKonro
Special Fire Force Company 8 Akitaru ŌbiTakehisa HinawaMaki OzeShinra KusakabeArthur BoyleIrisTamaki KotatsuVictor LichtVulcan JosephLisa Isaribi
v  e
Generations and Ignition Ability Users
Non-Powered Akitaru ŌbiGureo HaijimaMamoruMikakoOguruPandaQViktor LichtVulcan Joseph
First Generation Konro Sagamiya's DoppelgängerLeonard Burns' DoppelgängerDemon Infernal (Town Square)Hibachi Shinmon (doppelgänger)MasaoSaekoSakuraSetsuo MiyamotoTempe
Second Generation Asako ArgBenimaru ShinmonCharonGiovanniKarim FlamMaki OzePuppeteerTaguchiTakehisa HinawaTakigi OzeTokuyama
Third Generation AmaterasuArrowArthur BoyleAssaultBenimaru ShinmonFirst PillarFlailGustav HondaHaumeaHibachi ShinmonHibanaHikageHinataInca KasugataniIrisIronJokerKayoko HuangKonro SagamiyaYūichirō KuronoLeonard BurnsLisa IsaribiMirageNataku SonOgun MontgomeryOrochiPan Ko PaatRekka HoshimiyaSasoriShadow of the Holy Sun CaptainShinra KusakabeShō KusakabeStreamSumireTakeru NotoTamaki KotatsuTōru KishiriWoman in BlackYonaYona's Servant
Fourth Generation Inca KasugataniShinra KusakabeShō Kusakabe