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Chapter 58
Chapter 58
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Chapter Info
Japanese 俺たちは家族
Arc Vulcan's Workshop arc
Chapter 58
Pages 18
Volume Volume 7
No new characters
No new techniques

We're Family (俺たちは家族, Ore-tachi wa Kazoku) is the fifty-eighth chapter of the Fire Force manga series.


By his family’s memorial, Vulcan sets down cans of Yotsuya Cider and Coke for his grandfather and father. He mentions how his workload has increased without having their help but that he appreciates their teachings and tells them that he is now fortunate to have people, his "new family," to help him. Lisa and then approach from behind him as he pays his respects. Later, inside his workshop, Vulcan, wearing his horned skull mask, is banging on engines with wrenches, like a drummer hitting sticks against instruments. Yū approaches to show him his new prototype. Vulcan initially compliments the work--then throws it to the ground, smashing it. Vulcan explains that some things have to be perfected so that they cannot fall apart, such as Amaterasu, because if it did, the nation would lose power. Lisa interrupts to tell the two that dinner is ready. Vulcan compliments the animal-shaped rice dish, but Lisa tells him to just eat already, as all things are ephemeral and will break at some point, like digging into the meal. Vulcan agrees that some things can break, such as human lives, but even after death, family bonds are unbreakable, like those between him, Lisa, and Yū. Vulcan directs Yū and Lisa to flee to the back of the workshop and for Iris to watch over them, while he holds off the invading White Hoods. Before he can act, however, Lisa tasers him. Yū asks what she is doing--and she summons a flame and knocks back Yū. Before Iris can intervene, Lisa threatens to kill Vulcan. Vulcan is confused as Lisa explains that it was not a coincidence that he found her sleeping in his junkyard: she works for the Order and demands he hand over the key to Amaterasu. Vulcan refuses to believe her claim that they were never a family--and Lisa kicks him over. She warns that Giovanni is coming, and he can either tell him where the key is or die. Vulcan smirks, claiming she's worried for him. She sneers back, claiming he is playing dumb. Arthur Boyle holds his own against a member of the Order, who appears as multiple illusions that his blade just slices through harmlessly. However, one comes up from behind and hits Arthur upside the head. Giovanni arrives, instructing the Order not to let anyone follow him into the workshop. Arthur tries to stop him, only for the member of the Order to block him, kneeing him in the back. In the forest surrounding the workshop, Shinra Kusakabe is unconscious, tied up in fire-proof wrapping by two members of the Order, who discuss the arrival of their leader and Shinra's possession of the Adolla Burst. Giovanni enters, finding Lisa standing over the injured Yū and Vulcan, and Iris back against the wall. He tells Vulcan he is going to die either way, so he might as well tell him where is the key.

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Chapters and Volumes
Volume 1 012345
Volume 2 6789101112131415
Volume 3 16171819202122232425
Volume 4 262728293031323334
Volume 5 3536373839404142
Volume 6 434445464748495051
Volume 7 525354555657585960
Volume 8 616263646566676869
Volume 9 707172737475767778
Volume 10 798081828384858687
Volume 11 888990919293949596
Volume 12 979899100101102103104105
Volume 13 106107108109110111112113114
Volume 14 115116117118119120121122123
Volume 15 124125126127128129130131132
Volume 16 133134135136137138139140141
Volume 17 142143144145146147148149150
Volume 18 151152153154155156157158159
Volume 19 160161162163164165166167168
Volume 20 169170171172173174175176177
Volume 21 178179180181182183184185186
Volume 22 187188189190191192193194195
Volume 23 196197198199200201202203204
Volume 24 205206207208209210211212213
Volume 25 214215216217218219220221222
Volume 26 223224225226227228229230231
Volume 27 232233234235236237238239240
Volume 28 241242243244245246247248249
Volume 29 250251252253254255256257258
Volume 30 259260261262263264265266267
Volume 31 268269270271272273274275276277
Volume 32 278279280281282283284285286
Volume 33 287288289290291292293294295
Volume 34 296297298299300301302303304
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Vulcan's Workshop arc
Chapters 525354555657585960616263646566
Epiosdes 15161718