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Chapter 55
Chapter 55
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Chapter Info
Japanese 鍛冶屋の夢
Arc Vulcan's Workshop arc
Chapter 55
Pages 21
Volume Volume 7
Release Info
Japan November 8, 2016

The Blacksmith's Dream (鍛冶屋の夢, Kajiya no Yume) is the fifty-fifth chapter of the Fire Force manga series.


This Chapter begins with Commander Obi telling Arthur, Shinra & Iris, to see a man named Vulcan. While Shinra is hesitant about having such a responsibility, Obi tells them that they are old enough to make decisions for themselves to which they agree to see him.

Shinra faces reality once more within Vulcan's hologram of animals. While Iris and are amazed at the display, Arthur is still wondering if it is dangerous.

Shinra asks Vulcan if he would at least visit their Commander at least once, to which Vulcan reiterates his statement to do it all alone without Hajima's or the Brigade's help. Yū also tries to persuade him; thinking about how Hajima will eventually destroy him as he won't be able to make any more inventions within the landfill. Vulcan ignores him, telling him that work must be done and walks away into the shop.

Lisa puts out a plate of food for the stray cats to eat from; while complaining that they have barely enough money to feed them as well as the birds. She then likens herself to a street cat. Shinra asks when they first met each other and she begins to tell him her story.

Lisa had lost her parents in a Flame Human Incident which led to her being taken in to a Monastery but she had no desire to become a sister. She apologises to Iris for any rudeness to which Iris replies that it's ok.

She continues on, telling how Vulcan caught her in His Junkyard and took her in. Iris comments that he is a nice guy; to which Lisa agrees, even though she also thinks of him as a bit weird. Yū goes on to tell them that Vulcan thinks he can work more to fulfil his dream of helping people and animals.

Arthur is by the tombstone (hands seemingly in a sign of prayer with the Ratomu hand-sign) and asks about it. Yū reveals that it was his Grandfather & Father's tombstone as they both turned into Flame Humans at the same time. However, he is wary of whether it is normal as well as the fact that Vulcan suspects Giovanni for the death of His family. Shinra wonders whether he saw a bug as well as why Goivanni of all people would be suspected.

Yū explains the story behind Commander Giovanni. He was once a student of Vulcan's grandfather alongside Vulcan's father (a photo of Vulcan's family with Giovanni's face ripped off is shown). Yū explains that after a strange death, Giovanni left to go to Hajima; disobeying a direct order from Vulcan's grandfather which forbade them not to join Hajima. When Shinra asked why Yū could only give a clueless answer while speculating about a link between Vulcan's family and Hajima. Lisa interjects with the fact that only Vulcan knows as she thinks aloud about Vulcan's next meal. Lisa tells them to leave as Yū apologises for not being of any help.

As Shinra is about to thank then, he is hit by the Adolla Link. He feels the sudden sensation of killing intent from Giovanni to kill Vulcan. He drops to his feet as he thinks about the tingling that he felt. Arthur demands an explanation for the Shinra's mysterious behaviour. Shinra is too busy contemplating about the times he has felt the Adolla Link to listen to Arthur's complaint.

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Chapters and Volumes
Volume 1 012345
Volume 2 6789101112131415
Volume 3 16171819202122232425
Volume 4 262728293031323334
Volume 5 3536373839404142
Volume 6 434445464748495051
Volume 7 525354555657585960
Volume 8 616263646566676869
Volume 9 707172737475767778
Volume 10 798081828384858687
Volume 11 888990919293949596
Volume 12 979899100101102103104105
Volume 13 106107108109110111112113114
Volume 14 115116117118119120121122123
Volume 15 124125126127128129130131132
Volume 16 133134135136137138139140141
Volume 17 142143144145146147148149150
Volume 18 151152153154155156157158159
Volume 19 160161162163164165166167168
Volume 20 169170171172173174175176177
Volume 21 178179180181182183184185186
Volume 22 187188189190191192193194195
Volume 23 196197198199200201202203204
Volume 24 205206207208209210211212213
Volume 25 214215216217218219220221222
Volume 26 223224225226227228229230231
Volume 27 232233234235236237238239240
Volume 28 241242243244245246247248249
Volume 29 250251252253254255256257258
Volume 30 259260261262263264265266267
Volume 31 268269270271272273274275276277
Volume 32 278279280281282283284285286
Volume 33 287288289290291292293294295
Volume 34 296297298299300301302303304
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Vulcan's Workshop arc
Chapters 525354555657585960616263646566
Epiosdes 15161718